Écrivains Portugais en France
Écrivains portugais en France, is an iniciative of the Portuguese ambassy in France. It is an inventory of Portuguese writers translated and/or edited in France, and aims to be a tool at the service of researchers, librarians, booksellers and readers who we wish to see increasing numbers of them. Écrivains portugais en France also aims to contribute to the affirmation of the value and potential of Portuguese authors, a unique heritage and creation that reflects a multifaceted and dynamic reality. The proposed repertoire dates back to 1973, one year before the Carnation Revolution. It will be constantly updated and is intended to be enriched by keeping up with publishing activity in France.
Designed items:
- Visual identity
- Design Website
Website programming: Luís Ferreira
Website: Écrivains Portugais en France
Client: Portuguese Embassy in France