A Fracturing Practice
Graphic image for the exhibition “A Fracturing Practice” by artist Patrícia Domingues taking place at PXL MAD, School of Arts in Hasselt, Belgium. Patrícia Domingues works with jewellery and her research explores “the landscape as strong spatial connection with man and the vivid perception of it and its representations is always a self-reconstructed image and a vehicle to translate different perceptions of immensity. In this way, the panoramic picture of the landscape, can by contrast reveal the inside of the mountain, and a single fragment of it can also represent the whole. Within this context one of the main research problems arise and deal with scale and size. They look at the different dimensions between the mountain and the stone we can hold in our hand, between the immense and the detail.”
Designed items:
- Graphic and visual identity
- Posters
- Venue sheet programme
- Invitations
- Exhibition design
Client: Patrícia Domingues